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April 04, 2017


6 At-Home Tips for Freshening up Your Runner’s Feet for the Summer Season


Calling all runners! Southern Hospitality gives 6 at-home tips to get your feet fresh for summer! Source: Jenny McCoy for Runner's World.


Putting your best FEET forward,

Southern Hospitality

January 01, 2016


Before You Head To The Gym...

Happy New Year Y'all!  

A new year means a fresh start, and of course resolutions!  Weight loss continues to be at the top of the list.  More than ever, people are more conscientious of what they are putting in and on their bodies.  But before you hit the gym check out these tips!

Putting your best feet forward,




June 26, 2015


Arch Frenemies

Do your shoes leave your feet aching after a long day or a grueling workout? There’s a great chance that you could be in need of proper fitting arch supports, to relieve your pain. Whether they are over-the-counter or custom made arch supports (orthotics), we have 5 rules you should follow to help make shoes a FRIEND not a FOE to your daily activities!

Make Room!

Always check to see if the insoles inside your shoes can be removed, before inserting new arch supports. Inserting arch supports without removing the insoles can “crowd” your shoe, making for a tight and uncomfortable fit.

Left Foot, Right Foot

Is there still something about the fit of your supports that is not quite right? Then you want to make sure that you have the correct arch support in the correct shoe. The solution? Label you supports LEFT and RIGHT to ensure you’re placing your inserts into the correct shoes.

Easy Does It

It is always a great idea to not go full throttle when prancing around with your new arch supports (esp. custom orthotics). Instead, start by wearing the inserts 1-2 hours, then increase by 1-2 hours each day. This gives your feet an opportunity to adjust to your new inserts, preventing further discomfort.

One Size Fits All (of your shoes)

On the hunt for a new pair of kicks? Don’t forget your arch supports! Inserting them into any new shoes of interest provides you with the best idea of whether those new shoes are truly the right fit.

No Fit, No Good

If you follow the rules above and continue to experience discomfort with your newfound inserts, do not hesitate to contact your podiatrist. They can answer questions, provide general supervision, and even work to correct arch supports that are problematic.

Putting your best FEET forward,




May 21, 2015


Daily Aha!

Special thanks to YouBeauty for allowing us to contribute to their Daily Aha!

Putting your best FEET forward,


May 18, 2015




Check out our new feature with Refinery29!

Putting your best FEET forward,


October 21, 2014


Crossfoot: 5 tips to finding the right shoes for crossfit

With CrossFit being the latest workout that is all the craze, do you have the right shoe gear to conquer your workout? Here are 5 tips to find the right shoes that will put the “fit” in CrossFit!

The key for any CrossFit workout is to allow your feet to perform in as close to a minimalistic natural state as possible. The rigors of CrossFit subjects your body to maximum physical exertion. There’s no need to carry anymore unnecessary weight on an already taxing workout. Remember, any shoe for CrossFit should yield the feeling and freedom of being shoeless while providing the comfort and protection of a proper fitting shoe.
CrossFit Activities of Interest: Running, Box jumping, Jump rope

Minimal Heel to Toe Drop
Your heel should not be in a raised position when sporting the ideal CrossFit kick. Having increased cushioning in heel- as opposed to the forefoot- can transfer too much weight towards the toes with any activities involving planting your feet firmly. Also, increased cushioning in the heel promotes premature heel strike impact when landing, giving way to increased pressures to the heel that can be detrimental long term. Instead, cushioning should be as consistant as possible from heel to toe. This allows for pressure and shock absorption to disperse evenly across your feet with activity.
CrossFit Activities of Interest: Any crossfit activity

Minimal Tread
It is always best to “tread lightly” when on lookout for the right shoes for CrossFit. Less tread on the outsole creates more stability, allowing you to stand firm. Shoes with more extensive treading can cause you to lose your footing which may lead to injury.
CrossFit Activities of Interest: Burpee, Squats, Lunges

Wide Toe Box
Our feet naturally expands outward (called splaying) with weightbearing or establishing a firm stable stance. That’s why you want to make sure to find the right shoes with a toe box that can accommodate for the expansion. But take care to not sport shoes that give too much room. Find shoes that are roomy enough for comfort, but snug enough to prevent side-to-side movement.
CrossFit Activities of Interest: Deadlifting, Kettlebell swinging, Tire flipping

An intense crossfit workout is best tackled with shoes that are made with breathable- often mesh- material. As heat build-up mounts, mesh lining provides increased ventilation helping control sweating which can minimize problems such as chaffing, foot odor, slippage within the shoe, and the formation of blisters.
Crossfit Activities of Interest: Any crossfit activity

Check our Soul Searching Series and Get Sporty for more info on finding the right shoes for the right activity!

Putting your best FEET forward,

August 07, 2014


Get Sporty

Getting a leg-up on some of your favorite outdoor activities often means finding the right shoes for the task-at-hand (err foot!). Check out these features to keep in mind when spotting the right shoes to get sporty!

Whether you’re an avid walker or just in-need of a solid athletic shoe, this style is for you! You want a walking shoe that is lightweight allowing easy, comfortable mobility. Cushioning and shock absorption should be sufficient, but not be overly rigid. Instead, the sole should have flexibility and a rounded bottom, enabling a fluid motion for heel striking and toeing off, when walking.

Running can expose your feet to forces up to 3 times your body weight. Look for a running shoe that has ample shock absorption. This protects your feet from taking a beating when pounding the pavement over time. Running is a higher impact activity than walking, so it is a good idea for your running shoe to have a rigid sole (NOT flexible). The rigid sole should ONLY bend at the ball of the foot.

Hard Surface Activities:
Hard surface activities can mean murderous wear-n-tear not only to your feet BUT to your shoes, as well! That’s because these activities- such as basketball and tennis-involve lateral movements, abrupt stopping, and running. A quality basketball shoe should have thick shock absorption and a rigid sole to offload impact from running and jumping. It is recommended that basketball shoes are high-tops to provide added stability with lateral movement. High-tops are also believed to aid in ankle stability, but do not completely eliminate the risk of ankle sprains/injuries. Tennis shoes should have a thicker sole that is rigid and is only flexible at the ball of the foot for stability and repetitive movements. A sole with more tread is also good to keep in mind for added traction with abrupt stops.

Like to indulge in a variety of outdoor activities? Then a cross-training shoe might be the way to go. Viewed as a hybrid athletic shoe, this style combines features form various specialty shoes to accommodate the jack (or jill)-of-all-trades.

Want more information on finding the right “kicks” for the right activity? Check out our series Soul Searching: 8 Tips to Finding Your Perfect of Athletic Shoes!

Putting your best FEET forward,


April 16, 2014


Hit the Road

Springtime means sunshine, flowers blooming, birds chirping, and the arrival of marathon season. But as you gear up for your treacherous trek, do your running shoes have what it takes to go the distance? We gotcha covered!

It’ll Be All Light
Any long distance runner should always look to wear running shoes that are lightweight in nature. Shoes that are less bulky means that your legs and feet are carrying less weight, which improves a runner’s endurance during extensive runs.

A Soft Landing
Great shock absorption in your midsole and heel will keep your feet primed and ready for running. The impact of your feet as your heel strikes and plants into the ground can be up to 3 times your body weight. Factor in up to 26.2 miles of running and your feet are subject to a serious pounding.

Law of A-Traction
A long-lasting outsole gives you the best opportunity to stay upright as you march to the finish line. The outsole provides traction against rough surfaces- like dirt and pavement- to prevent cases of slip and fall. In addition, the outsole determines the flexibility of your running shoe. A proper outsole should allow your running shoe to bend ONLY at the ball of the foot.

Putting you best FEET forward,

March 20, 2013


SOLE SEARCHING: 8 Tips to Finding Your Perfect Pair of Athletic Shoes (Tip #5)

Tip #5 The Long and the Short of it…

All feet are NOT created equal...even our own two feet we use everyday. It is NOT uncommon to find one foot to be longer than the other.  Actually, it is quite normal. Studies show that 60% of individuals have different sized feet. That’s why it is imperative to measure your feet each time you set out to purchase a pair of shoes.

But one thing to ALWAYS remember is to have your feet measured while standing up. Our feet expand when they bear weight, taking into account the width of our foot within shoes. If you are among the majority, you should aim to buy shoes that fit the larger foot (if a half to a full size difference). If greater than a full shoe size difference, you may need to where mismatch sizes to accommodate the increased difference (FYI a shoe size is roughly 1/3 of an inch).

Also, make sure that there is a thumb-width distance from the end of your longest toe (USUALLY the big toe, but the 2nd toe for some) to the edge of the toe box within the shoe. Wiggling of the toes should be able to be done with ease.


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Putting your best FEET forward,