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It’s Easy as 1, 2, 3:Essential Vitamins for Fit, Healthy Feet (Part 2)


…and now back to class. It’s time to learn the rest of your ABC’s of healthy feet!

Vitamin D[Ergocalciferol(vitamin D2),Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)]

Benefits: Calcium gets most of the credit for the development of strong healthy bones, but it’s vitamin D- specifically D3- that allows our bodies to absorb and utilize calcium. In terms of the feet, stress fractures and overuse injuries can be minimized with this vitamin in our dietary arsenal.

Source: Sunlight, fortified dairy products, eggs, salmon, mackerel, vitamin supplement

Attention: Athletes, runners, dancers, children, postmenopausal women, elderly, diabetics

Oh by the way: Wearing sunscreen can prevent absorption of vitamin D from sunlight. However, going without sunscreen can be damaging to the skin against the sun’s harmful rays (Skin cancer…I think NOT). Therefore, a sound diet may be the best approach to receive your supply of vitamin D. Fat-soluble.

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)

Benefits: Gimme an E! This wonderful nutrient functions to do away with those pesky free radicals. Together with vitamins A & C, your feet maintain healthy skin, preventing invasion of fungus, viruses, and bacteria!

Source: Almonds, leafy green vegetables, olive oil, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, vitamin supplement

Attention: Diabetics, beach-goers

Oh by the way: Studies have shown that  vitamin E contributes to fighting heart disease and plaque formation in arteries, although results are not conclusive. Fat-soluble.

Vitamin K (Phytonadione)

Benefits: Known for blood clot formation, vitamin K fights excessive bleeding from punctures and other open wounds. Walking barefoot?...Think twice!... Shoeless feet are highly prone to stepping on foreign objects- rocks, glass, nails, and twigs, among others.   Vitamin K is also capable of strengthening bones.

Source: Spinach, turnip greens, cabbage, broccoli, kale

Attention: Burn victims, diabetics, beach-goers, athletes, postmenopausal women

Oh by the way: People- with a history of heart disease or peripheral vascular disease (PVD) - who take blood thinners (such as Coumadin [Warfarin] or even aspirin) may be advised by their physician to minimize their intake of vitamin K, to prevent formation of blood clots in the bloodstream.  Fat-soluble.

Putting your best FEET forward,


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